Insight Registration 2023

This form provides Dundas Telopea Anglican Church with your permission for your child/childrens' attendance at our Friday night youth ministry, Insight. Insight meets from 7:00pm-9:15pm at the Tara Junior School. This form must be completed for all persons under 18 years and is effective from 1st January to 31st December 2023 and covers all regular Insight activities. 

Privacy Declaration

Dundas Telopea Anglican Church is exempt from the requirements of the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) as it is a “small business”. However, we seek to deal carefully and confidentially with the personal information we collect and to do so in a manner consistent with your reasonable expectations. 


The personal information in this form will be made available to –

(a) the Children and Youth leaders involved in the running of the activities in which my child participates, and

(b) medical and emergency services if considered necessary.

Parent/Caregiver Contact Information

Emergency Contact Details

Child 1

Tip: Please provide details and any medication your child carries with them

Child 2

Tip: Please provide details and any medication your child carries with them

Child 3

Tip: Please provide details and any medication your child carries with them

Additional information

Tip: Please provide further details

Tip: For example, any struggles which may affect their participation in Insight, or anything we can do to support them.


Tip: Your child will not be in a car driven by a learner or provisional licence holder.